Comics and Culture

Comics and Culture

Originally published on January 23, 2018 “Eddie hides his face under a jokeshop (sic) mask.” Victoria artist Lyle Schultz says...

A Painter for All Ages

A Painter for All Ages

Photography: Drew Hadley At 94, Montreal artist Rita Briansky is still as loving and fearless in her art as...

The Vastness of Tiny Things

The Vastness of Tiny Things

Exuberant, Malpeque in room Debbie Brady is passionate about oysters. It’s not their taste or texture—in fact, she never eats...

Stroke of Genius

Stroke of Genius

Chantal Malek knows what it takes to be successful, whether she’s wielding a palette knife full of acrylic paint or...

The Feeling of Folding

During the years when Mélanie Giguère worked as a fashion designer, it was her fine-arts background that inspired her colours,...

Art With Heart

Think of it as the little art gallery that could. Since opening at the end of a recession, in 2009,...

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